Chapter 81. Proof of simplicity
Honest words are not high and mighty, mighty and high words are not reliable.
The man of Tao does not argue.
Those who argue are not skilled in the Tao.
Those who know it are not scholars. The scholars don’t know it.
A wise man does not amass treasures.
The more he spends on others the more he himself has.
The more he gives to others the richer he becomes.
This is the heavenly Tao that passes through all things, but offends no-one.
This is the wise man’s Tao that acts but does not fight.
End of the Book of the Way of Virtue
Own translation from 1925 Finnish translation by Pekka Ervast (ISBN 951-8995-01-X) with kind permission of Ruusu-Ristin Kirjallisuusseura ry.