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Websites By Juho Kunsola
In chronological order

Consumerium is a not-for-profit effort invented in 2000 and founded online in 2002 that seeks to gather and distribute information about companies, products and the underlying production processes to consumers, focusing on their environmental and societal impacts and to develop an universal feedback system. (read more)
Consumerium is Kuluttajisto in Finnish (Translation was invented by a bloke on a bus in 2003)
Kuluttajisto on voittoa tavoittelematon hanke, joka pyrkii kokoamaan ja jakamaan tietoa kuluttajille yrityksistä, tuotteistä sekä näiden tuotantoprosesseista ja niiden ympäristö- ja sosiaalisista vaikutuksista. Lisäksi suunitelmaan kuuluu universaalin palautejärjestelmän kehittäminen. (lue lisää)

The Mission
PalestineTunnel.org is an effort since 2004 to research the feasibility of and to promote the construction of a railway tunnel to connect Gaza Strip to West Bank to circumvent the geographical disjointedness of the planned State of Palestine without breaching the continuity of State of Israel. (read more)

Biblical explanation – The books of Daniel and Revelations, wherein Daniel 7 and Revelation 13 we are warned of this age of industrial filth, is for those who believe in Jesus. Adequate Porn Watcher AI is a concept for an AI to protect the humans against synthetic filth attacks by looking for porn that should not be. (read more)
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