Original HOWTO Install GNUsocial free social media software by-the-side of existing diaspora* pod on Debian8

Original HowTo by http://juboblo.gr #installingfreesome #canworkwithoutsudo but this HowTo assumes #havesudo . Should be straightforward even #withoutsudo if existing LAMP (GNU/Linux, Apache or Nginx, MariaDB or MySQL and php) installed on the system. I used MariaDB and Nginx since the https://d.consumium.org #diaspora pod is configured to use that. Normative instructions: https://git.gnu.io/gnu/gnu-social/blob/master/INSTALL Also I read these… Continue reading Original HOWTO Install GNUsocial free social media software by-the-side of existing diaspora* pod on Debian8

Original HOWTO migrate GNU/Linux to bigger disk with clean install and grab all apt-gettable software, settings and files

#HowTo #ByJuho – How to install clean GNU/Linukka aka. GNU/Linux onto bigger laptop 2.5″ HDD and all your apt-get’table applications and document and configuration files from an older smaller disk to bigger? #needsudo not gonna work without sudo rights #need $20 USB-to-SATA casing and a screwdriver #alternative similar effect producing method is to use the… Continue reading Original HOWTO migrate GNU/Linux to bigger disk with clean install and grab all apt-gettable software, settings and files

Laptop temperature problem solved by high pressure air into the heatsink and some learnings of factors of heat management

System monitoring and control software for [K]ubuntu / copyleft Resource Monitor is a KDE5 Plasma Plasmoid Widget companion to the System Monitor. Install instructions in Muon Discoverer. One dependancy must be installed. It sits in your panel and reports CPU load and frequency, RAM and swap usage  with tiny letters and numbers and graphics. Here… Continue reading Laptop temperature problem solved by high pressure air into the heatsink and some learnings of factors of heat management