In memory of John Lewis: Natural therapeutics on pancreatic cancer updated

RIP John Lewis I remember him being very much alive and doing what he always did, which is to speak the truth, for example during the impeachment hearings in the House. Updated Natural therapeutics § Pancreatic cancer 3 studies were added about pancreatic cancers and cannabis and one study about pancreatic cancer and dandelion root.… Continue reading In memory of John Lewis: Natural therapeutics on pancreatic cancer updated

Upgrading Debian GNU/Linux from Jessie to Stretch

Objective: To safely upgrade from Debian 8 (Jessie) to Debian 9 (Stretch) two servers and to keep good records of what was done to perform the upgrade. Server #1 is used just to verify and hold backups of other servers so it has no public services running. Server #2 hosts a diaspora*, a Hubzilla, a… Continue reading Upgrading Debian GNU/Linux from Jessie to Stretch

Migrating a Mediawiki to a new Linux server

To get you started: Get a Linux VPS. I chose, an ecohosting company with the data center deep inside the Finnish granite bedrock, a “renewable electricity only”-policy and a cloud infrastructure built on top of OpenStack. For OS I chose latest Debian Stable which was version 9 at the time of writing. created… Continue reading Migrating a Mediawiki to a new Linux server

Kansalaisaloiteluonnos: Salamallintamisen kieltäminen

Kansalaisaloiteluonnos salamallintamisen kieltämiseksi Salamikä?!??! 00-luvun alkupuolelta lähtien on tullut (lähestulkoon) mahdottomaksi erottaa liikkuvissa ja liikkumattomissa kuvissa mikä on ihmisen kuva, joka on kuvattu (elokuva)kameralla ja mikä taas on simulaatio ihmisen kuvasta, joka on kuvattu simulaatiolla kamerasta. 2010-luvulla samantapainen on käymässä meidän alastomille äänillemme, eli ne kyetään varastamaan esim. 2016 esitellyillä Adoben Voco-ohjelmalla:lla tai DeepMind:in kehittämällä… Continue reading Kansalaisaloiteluonnos: Salamallintamisen kieltäminen

Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 81. Proof of simplicity

Chapter 81. Proof of simplicity Honest words are not high and mighty, mighty and high words are not reliable. The man of  Tao does not argue. Those who argue are not skilled in the Tao. Those who know it are not scholars. The scholars don’t know it. A wise man does not amass treasures. The… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 81. Proof of simplicity

Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 2. Becoming perfect

Chapter 2. Becoming perfect When the world speaks of the beauty of beauty then ugliness is defined in the same. When good is seen as good then evil is also immediately clear. Thus being and unbeing both awaken each other; same as difficult and easy, distant and near, high and low, sounding and tinkling, head… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 2. Becoming perfect

Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 80. Standing alone

Chapter 80. Standing alone If I had a small kingdom and only ten or hundred able men, I would not use them for government. I would teach the people to view death as a high thing and then they would not go abroad to seek it. Even if they had ships and carriages, they would… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 80. Standing alone

Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 79. Keeping promise

Chapter 79. Keeping promise When agreement has been reached after a long dispute, one side always grumbles. And how could this be said a good resolution to an argument? That is why the wise one takes his part of the commitment and does not demand anything else for himself. A just man checks only his… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 79. Keeping promise

Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 14. Praising emptiness

Chapter 14. Praising emptiness Smoothness is what cannot be seen when looking at it. Silence is what cannot be heard when listening to it. Rarity is what cannot be touched when trying to do so. As these are inseparable from each other, they can be considered one – Tao¹. It is not lit in height… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 14. Praising emptiness

Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 8. The inexpensive nature

Chapter 8. The inexpensive nature Greatest virtue is like water. Water is good for everything. It can pass through to even the most unreachable places effortlessly. That is why it is like the Tao. It is virtuous like the heart by being deep. By exposing itself it has the virtue of love. It is virtuous… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 8. The inexpensive nature