I offer the following ICT, marketing and translation services:
Web site creation and web presence enhancement

Your one-stop-shop into good quality web sites. Creating a site like http://ByJuho.fi for your business need only take a few hours when you have the right skills and tools and are using a highly advanced solution like the WordPress.
Prices for an total package with some updating work through-out the year included are available at the low price of approx. 248-365€ VAT 24% incl. / annum plus the tech cost of under 100€. As I am not a corporation I cannot deduct VAT so cycling the tech cost via Finjob.fi would only lead to paying VAT on VAT.

Once your website is in proper order we can move on to utilizing other websites and social networks to amplify your web presence, brand recognition, brand perception and search engine visibility.
Inquire for lump sum or working hours estimate for your web presence needs. Contact form at bottom of page.
Affordable and consistent quality translations and interpretation
- I can do very high qualit high speed Finnish -> English -> Finnish translations and interpretation with a vivid and exact vocabulary
- I can do nice quality Finnish -> Swedish -> Finnish translations with aides
- I can do understandable quality Finnish -> French -> Finnish translations with aides
- My Finnish -> Russian -> Finnish abilities are yet to reach a level where I can offer translation.
- It is also possible to purchase English -> Chinese -> English translation provided via my entrepreneur contact in Shanghai.
- Translation costs 35€ / hr ( VAT 24% incl )
Copyleft tools counseling, training and online assistance for installations of systems of copyleft software

Do you want to explore the possibilities offered by copyleft software from a beginner or intermediate level and feel like you need help?
Look no further, Juho has been using FLO ( free, libre, open ) software for 20 years and will do email / chat / phone and in person support. Whether it be solving a problem or just guiding you as you walk into the wonderful world of FLO where caring is sharing and sharing is caring.
Email / chat / phone / in-person support.
- Ssh ( secure shell ) can be used to access remote machines, except Windows, safely via a command line interface by typing ‘ssh mydomainname.tld‘. The ssh program ships with all copies of operating systems that are not Windows. Instructions given here are for Debian or Ubuntu.
- Servers have the ssh server ( or sshd, d for daemon, a name for a server program ) that accepts incoming connections on by default so the owner can connect to the machine this way.
- Opposedly the sshd is is to be turned off by default in client installations or just not installed on clients in order to guard against hacking attempts. ‘sudo apt-get install openssh-server‘ to alleviate this.
- Apt-get package manager can be used to reliably and effortlessly install to ton of copyleft candy ( read: free software ) on a GNU/Linux system ‘sudo apt-get install …” your way to all the candy
- To install GNU/Linux, Apache, MariaDB / MySQL, PHP / Perl / Python (LAMP) one of the most popular sets of deps ( or dependencies for long word ) type ‘sudo apt-get install lamp-server‘ You will be asked to choose a “root” password for the MySQL server and to enter that twice into the blue screen. Remember to make sure you have this password or you may find yourself locked out of your won mysql installation. This password does not need to be very strong because the attacker cannot get close enough to your MySQL to try to pass with your password as to protect consumer the server does not listen to calls from remote hosts. I stay just-and-just away from saying “write down the MySQL password you entered into the blue screens” suffice to say “do not lose it”
- Mediwiki ( wiki ) , WordPress ( blog ), the diaspora* free social media, GNU MediaGoblin, GNU social, Hubzilla, Friendica, are web presence solutions which I have experience installing and configuring.
- Inkscape ( vector graphics ), GIMP ( bitmap graphics ), Audacity (audio recording and basic editing ), Ardour (Digital Audio Workstation, DAW), Kdenlive ( video editing ) are just some of the application programs of the copyleft side that offer excellent value. an example apt-get line would be ‘sudo apt-get inkscape gimp audacity kdenlive‘
- LibreOffice is an excellent substitute to the non-free Microsoft Office.
Price list:
- Low demand work 20-25€ / hr (VAT 24% incl.)
- For gigs of 4 hrs or more I will come to your location in the Metropolitan Helsinki area.
- For contracts of longer duration I will travel farther.
- ssh and and other skilled work 30€ / hr
- High quality translation 35€ / hr