This method is discouraged. Use the latest tarball instead unless good reason to run the live code tree
Objective: Get the freshest MediaWiki installed on using git where ever possible.
Instructions followed: The official upgrading MediaWiki guide
Thanks go to: Naturally the MediaWiki devels and documenters. Special thanks to SPF|Cloud @ freenode irc for kind help in figuring out the problems encountered

I upgraded from 1.25.6 to 1.28 alpha which is the in-development version. My experience with MediaWiki is that the people responsible for the tech know what they are doing. Prestige software attracts prestige devels so I decided to go with the development version.
First off: Backup the files and the database. Something could go wrong even if usually MediaWiki upgrade procedures are rock-solid.
Then get the latest MediaWiki from git with
git clone
Next get all the skins by removing the skins directory and then issuing in the MediaWiki core directory
git clone --recursive skins
Change into the extensions directory and update the extensions with
git pull
Put the images/ and the extensions/ directory into a .tar.gz and move it over to the ../core/ directory and uncompress there
Get the vendor libraries used by WMF clusters
git clone
Now you are ready to do the upgrade. I shut the Apache2 down for the duration of that just to feel more secure that the update.php will work but I don’t think this is required for safety. Change to the maintenance/-directory in core/ and
php5 update.php
move the old w/-directory out of the way and move core/ into w/ and access the Special:Version of your wiki in browser and you should see that it is up and running with the latest software version.
And keep up-to-date
- ‘git pull’
- ‘git pull –recurse-submodules’ in skins/ and extension/
- Got some complains about composer being out-of-date. Fix with ‘sudo composer self-update’ and ‘composer update’
- ‘php maintenance/update.php’