Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 20. Remaining distant

Chapter 20. Remaining distant Leave your dogma and free yourself of worrying. The difference between certainty and uncertainty isn’t that big. Do they help us to differentiate between good and evil? For one must carefully keep track of differentiations. But oh! People are never freed of their stupidity. They are full of ambition like the… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 20. Remaining distant

Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 3. Calming people

Chapter 3. Calming people Envy is avoided when people are not placed apart based on merit. Theft is avoided when riches are not valued. Calm stays the mind when not looking for stimulants for the senses. That is how the wise one rules, by freeing his heart of lusts; by giving his stomach enough satisfaction,… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 3. Calming people

Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 13. Stopping from falling to low places

Chapter 13. Stopping from falling to low places Honor and shame are equally frightening. Happiness and unhappiness are to do with the bodily personality. This is what is said of honor and shame: Shame is humiliation that is feared be it near or far. Thus honor and shame cannot be separated from the fear that… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 13. Stopping from falling to low places

How to set up a GNU/Linux server at ecohosting

    Trollböle et al gets its gear and moves to Björneborg. acquires its first ecoserver from a company that uses electricity sourced from renewable sources only.   Objective: Set up a stack in efficient and clear manner in order to move the current development wiki onto the new ecological server paying mind… Continue reading How to set up a GNU/Linux server at ecohosting

Upgrading MediaWiki

This method is discouraged. Use the latest tarball instead unless good reason to run the live code tree Objective: Get the freshest MediaWiki installed on using git where ever possible. Instructions followed: The official upgrading MediaWiki guide Thanks go to: Naturally the MediaWiki devels and documenters. Special thanks to SPF|Cloud @ freenode irc for… Continue reading Upgrading MediaWiki

Protecting GNU MediaGoblin

Objective: GNU MediaGoblin instances that have open registrations are suffering from botnets registering accounts en masse for spamming purposes and thus forcing instance maintainers to close registrations. Especially annoying thing the botnets are doing is that they do not even check if the email address lists they traded something in exchange for are valid causing… Continue reading Protecting GNU MediaGoblin

Installation of Etherpad

Objective: Install a private instance of secured with TLS encryption and configuring the system to have good level of controll over who gets to see and edit what i.e. to authenticate the users. Instructions used: Official installation instructions from that will get you an etherpad you can access on localhost. The instructions continue… Continue reading Installation of Etherpad

TLS encryption with certificates

Objectives to the accomplished First I will be getting and installing a new cert for use on which will host an Etherpad instance to fulfill my secure textual collaboration needs safely. Second I will be replacing the shortly expiring commercial certificate for * So far I know that I can have the old cert… Continue reading TLS encryption with certificates