Kansalaisaloiteluonnos: Digitaalisten kaksoisolentojen edellytysten luvaton hankkiminen, hallussapito, kauppa ja maahantuonti, ja -vienti kiellettävä lailla

This version is obsoleted by / Tämän version korvaa https://byjuho.fi/2016/12/21/kansalaisaloiteluonnos-salamallintamisen-kieltaminen/   Kansalaisaloiteluonnos: Digitaalisten kaksoisolentojen tekemisen edellytysten luvaton hankkiminen, hallussapito, kauppa, maahantuonti ja -vienti kiellettävä lailla. Johdanto Noin vuodesta 2003 lähtien on tullut (lähestulkoon) mahdottomaksi erottaa liikkuvissa ja liikkumattomissa kuvissa mikä on ihmisen kuva joka on kuvattu (elokuva)kameralla ja mikä taas on simulaatio ihmisen kuvasta joka… Continue reading Kansalaisaloiteluonnos: Digitaalisten kaksoisolentojen edellytysten luvaton hankkiminen, hallussapito, kauppa ja maahantuonti, ja -vienti kiellettävä lailla

Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 77. The Heavenly Tao

Chapter 77. The Heavenly Tao Like arching of the bow is the heavenly Tao. It brings down all that is high and lifts up that which is lowly. It reduces where excess is and adds where there is lack. The heavenly Tao makes all beings equal. This Tao is not of the human. Human takes… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 77. The Heavenly Tao

Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 57. Right government

Chapter 57. Right government May the just lead the kingdom. May the cunning lead the army. But may he who efficiently acts by non-action be king.¹ How do I know this to be so? I know via this: When peoples actions are guided by restricting laws the country grows even poorer. When people are allowed… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 57. Right government

Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 56. Wondrous virtue

Chapter 56. Wondrous virtue He who knows the Tao does not argue about it, and those who telltale of it do not know it.¹ To hold lips closed, to shut the doors of vision and hearing, to smoothen sharp corners, lessen the glare of bright light and to be on the same level as the… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 56. Wondrous virtue

Translation: Tao Te King -Chapter 55. Marvelous harmony

Chapter 55. Marvelous harmony The man, who is filled by the Tao, is like a small child.¹ Poisonous animals will not sting him; wild beasts will not attack him and birds of pray do not strike their claws into him.² His young bones are not hard and his tendons not strong, but his grip is… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King -Chapter 55. Marvelous harmony

Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 54. The root and the branches

Chapter 54. The root and the branches He who plants right, never unearths his plantings. He who grips correctly will, not yield. His offspring respect him endlessly. Who develops the Tao in himself, he is rooted to virtue. Who develops the Tao in his family, he makes his virtue spread. Who develops the Tao in… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 54. The root and the branches

Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 53. Growing of clarity

Chapter 53. Growing of clarity Oh if I were wise enough to follow the great Tao! The great Tao is extremely easy, but people prefer to walk complicated ways. Governance is hard work. Even if a house is outstandingly equipped, the fields can be full of weeds and the granaries empty. Dressing up beautifully, carrying… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 53. Growing of clarity

Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 52. Returning to origin cause

Chapter 52. Returning to origin cause That, of which the universe emerged from, can be considered its mother. By knowing the mother you will figure out the child.¹ And if knowing the child you consider the mother higher you will suffer no evil, even if your body perishes. Keep your mouth locked and close the… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 52. Returning to origin cause

Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter. 51 Recommending virtue

Chapter 51. Recommending virtue Tao gives birth and Teh¹ (virtue) provides. All beings wear their many form and the power of Teh takes them towards perfection. That is why all creation unite to praise the Tao and to champion Teh. But this respect for the Tao and the Teh is not by order. It is… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter. 51 Recommending virtue

Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 50. Life’s value

Chapter 50. Life’s value People step into life and return back to death. Life’s gates are thirteen in number and same amount there is the gates of death. The same amount of roads life quickly goes towards death. And why? Because people pursue only sensory-life. It has been said, that human, who knows the secret… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 50. Life’s value