Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter. 51 Recommending virtue

Chapter 51. Recommending virtue Tao gives birth and Teh¹ (virtue) provides. All beings wear their many form and the power of Teh takes them towards perfection. That is why all creation unite to praise the Tao and to champion Teh. But this respect for the Tao and the Teh is not by order. It is… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter. 51 Recommending virtue

Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 50. Life’s value

Chapter 50. Life’s value People step into life and return back to death. Life’s gates are thirteen in number and same amount there is the gates of death. The same amount of roads life quickly goes towards death. And why? Because people pursue only sensory-life. It has been said, that human, who knows the secret… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 50. Life’s value

Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 49. The virtue of concession

Chapter 49. The virtue of concession A wise one does not have fastened opinions, which he would call his own.¹ He adjusts to other peoples thoughts. I want to pay good with good. I also want to pay evil with good. Virtue is virtue. To trust I respond with trust; likewise with trust I respond… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 49. The virtue of concession

Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 48. The trouble with knowledge

Chapter 48. The trouble with knowledge Somatic and non-somatic ache grows every day from pursuing knowledge. But this ache is lessened every day by reaching Tao. Do you shorten your effort constantly , until there is nothing left of it? There is nothing that non-action could not accomplish. Human could without any pain start to… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 48. The trouble with knowledge

Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 47. Looking far

Chapter 47. Looking far Human can know the world without leaving his own house. Through his own windows he may see the high Tao. The farther he goes, the less chance he stands of finding. That is why a wise one knows and recognizes without traveling, names beings without seeing and completes everything without action.¹… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 47. Looking far

Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 46. Limiting lust

Chapter 46. Limiting lust When the Tao is in the world, horses graze in the pastures. When the Tao has left the world, war horses are reared. There is no bigger sin than living in lust. There is no greater pain than being non-content. There is nothing more unfortunate than greediness for merit. That is… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 46. Limiting lust

Translation: Tao Te King -Chapter 45. Boundless virtue

Chapter 45. Boundless virtue The one who sees that his highest achievements are imperfect can continue his work endlessly. The one who sees that his greatest possessions are emptiness can continue accumulating forever. His greatest straightness is only humble bending. His highest wisdom is only uttering. Action conquers coldness, peacefullness conquers heat. With virtue and… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King -Chapter 45. Boundless virtue

Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 44. Staying silent

Chapter 44. Staying silent Which is closer to you, your name or your life? Which is more valuable, your life or your wealth? Which is bigger evil, earning or losing? Great piousness demands great sacrifice. Great wealth causes a great loss. The one who is satisfied does not suffer defeat. The one that can stand… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 44. Staying silent

Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 43. Unlimited utility

Chapter 43. Unlimited utility The world’s softest being defeats the strongest. Immaterial passes through all things even if there is no opening. From this I learn how efficient inactivity is. To teach without using words and to be useful without action – few people get this far! Own translation from 1925 Finnish translation by Pekka… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 43. Unlimited utility

Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 42. Changes in Tao

Chapter 42. Changes in Tao Out of the Tao seeped One. Of One was Two born. Of Two was Three born. And of Three are all things from.¹ Behind all beings is the unmanifested and in front of them the manifested. They are connected by the immaterial respiration.² Orphanity, seclusion and wheelless carriages the people… Continue reading Translation: Tao Te King – Chapter 42. Changes in Tao